Paperless Billing
Switch to easy, convenient and environmentally-friendly paperless billing. Receive your bill via e-mail and access your account at any time. Now you can have access to your electricity bills at any time of the day or night wherever you have access to the internet.
Login or Register Now to our AccountOnline and update the Paperless Bills option under “My Profile” for “Yes, I want Paperless”.
- 24/7 access to view your bills online
- Secure website
- Paper-free service
- Reduction or elimination of paper filing and storage
- Simplified record retention
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Getting Started with Paperless Billing
You can sign up directly on our web site by clicking here and selecting Login or Register Now. Once you have logged in, click on My Profile and select “Yes, I want Paperless” and then scroll down and Update My Profile. If you are signing in to AccountOnline for the first time, the option to choose paperless is in the web access registration process. Go to Register Now and complete the fields as required.
Receiving and Viewing Your Paperless Bills
Once you have signed up for paperless billing, you will receive a confirmation email from Halton Hills Hydro eBills and then your next bill issued will be sent electronically.
We will notify you when your Bill is ready to view by sending an email to the address you provided. If you are concerned about missing a payment, consider taking advantage of our convenient Pre-Authorized Payment Plan.
After you have activated your account, simply log in with your User Name and Password (using the link embedded in your notification email) to view your Halton Hills Hydro Bill. You can view, save, or print a PDF format of your current bill. You can also review your previous bills, and access all the information that is mailed with our paper bills.
To ensure you have access to your electronic bill, you must have a Web browser that supports 128-bit encryption. As well, you must enable cookies. Electronic Bills are presented in PDF format. To read PDF documents, you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Note: If you have Adode Acrobat Reader installed and are still having trouble viewing your bill we recommend you clear your browsers cache, close your browser and try to view your bill again.
You can access your current and previous bills (up to two years) online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To save a copy of your eBill to your computer:
- Go to the View & Pay Bills tab.
- Click on View Bill for the bill you wish to save
- When the PDF file opens, right click and select Save As. You can then name the file and save it to your computer.
To print your Electronic Bill, click the printer icon in the top menu bar. You can print your Electronic Bill in black and white; simply choose the printer settings that suit you best.
Emailing your bill as a PDF file presents a security risk to you in that emails can be intercepted, as a result we do not offer this option.
There is a possibility that your ISP (Internet Service Provider) has mistaken our e-mail notification as junk mail and has failed to deliver it to you. Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are installing spam filters to help reduce the overwhelming amount of junk mail. Occasionally, legitimate emails are mistaken for junk mail and are blocked. Please contact us and verify your e-mail address. If it is correct we recommend you contact your ISP and ensure that Halton Hills Hydro is a valid emailer.
Paying Your Paperless Bill
Yes, you may pay your bill with a VISA or MasterCard, any day, 24×7 using secure card payment options that are provided by Paymentus Corporation, our third-party provider.
Paymentus charges a processing fee to use their service. Halton Hills Hydro does NOT receive any part of these processing fees.
If you prefer, you can have your bill amount withdrawn automatically with Halton Hills Hydro Inc. Pre-Authorized Payment Plan option.
No, your pre-authorized payment status will not be affected by paperless billing. Your payments will continue to be automatically withdrawn from your account. The only change is that now, instead of receiving a paper bill in the mail, your bills will be available to view online.
Help With Your Paperless Billing Account
If you have any questions or concerns about your bill, please contact our Customer Care department, Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 519-853-3701 or 905-453-2222.
Yes, for your security we require that you sign up for each account separately. However, when you move, you will still have access to your old account information (for twelve months).
If you enter an incorrect email address when signing up for paperless billing on the Halton Hills Hydro web site, you will not be able to receive a confirmation of your electronic billing activation, or notification when you have a new paperless bill. However, you will still be responsible for ensuring your Halton Hills Hydro Inc. account is paid on time. Please contact our Customer Care department, Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 519-853-3701 or 905-453-2222 to update your information.
Yes, advising us of any changes to the original information you provided, including a change to your email address, will ensure that we can continue to contact you about your bills. To let us know about your new email address, please login to AccountOnline and go to My Profile. Enter your new email address and click on Update My Profile. If your user name is your email address, you will need to contact our Customer Care department, Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 519-853-3701 or 905-453-2222 and they will be able to change the user name to match your new email.
To cancel paperless billing and return to receiving paper bills, login to AccountOnline and go to My Profile. Select the option ‘No thanks’ to paperless bills and click on Update My Profile.
Please contact our Customer Care department, Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 519-853-3701 or 905-453-2222.