Letter from Halton Hills Hydro President & CEO re COVID-19
March 24, 2020
To the Halton Hills Community
We recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic is having an impact on all of us. We are working together to ensure the safety and wellness of our employees and customers during this time. I want to assure you that we will continue to provide you with a reliable supply of electricity while maintaining the health and safety of our employees and our community. I understand that many of our customers are facing financial hardships as a result of this pandemic and want you to know that Halton Hills Hydro is here to help.
The following measures are in place to assist our customers:
- Disconnection of accounts for non-payment has been suspended until July 31, 2020. This includes all residential and low volume, small commercial customers.
- Collection action has been suspended until further notice.
- Arrears payment arrangements are available to customers who need more time to pay their account.
Halton Hills Hydro offers a number of payment assistance programs to assist customers having difficulty paying their bills:
- Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP)
- Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
- AffordAbility Fund
Full details are available on the Payment Assistance page on our website.
Halton Hills Hydro is following health guidelines from Halton Region Public Health. As a result, we have closed our doors to visitors and many of our employees are now working remotely in order to practice physical distancing. The office remains open to assist customers through telephone or e-mail. You can reach us at 519-853-3701 or inquiries@haltonhilshydro.com or visit our website for easy self-service features.

Art Skidmore
President & CEO
Click here for a PDF copy of this letter.